Riggs Report

Bumpy Ride

After two years of an expensive and divisive presidential election we have emerged with a “Status Quo” government. With President Obama remaining as president, the Congress is split with a Democratic‐controlled Senate and a Republican‐controlled House of Representatives. So what does this mean for the economy and the markets going forward?

The first issue on everyone’s agenda is the Fiscal Cliff. With a divided political landscape in Washington, politicians may use a brinkmanship negotiating style to leverage their position. This …

Printing Money

At Riggs, we spend significant amounts of money on independent and think‐tank style research. It is, in essence, the raw material that we use for our production of a long‐term strategic investment approach. On a daily basis we sift through reams of information to distill the critical data that will inform the investment markets now and in the future. Global monetary policy continues to be the driver of today’s investment markets and it is our topic for this quarter’s Riggs’ …